Another Eden: The Cat Beyond its Territory
[About Another Eden: The Cat Beyond its Territory]
- This is additional content where you get to venture out as a cat. ・Added things that can only be discovered through the eyes of a cat.
・Part 1 of the Main Story must be cleared.
・There is no time limit to finish this content.

The following features will be added:
- Cat Catalog ・Chapter 12 of the Main Story must be cleared.

New Encounters
Update Information
The app must be updated to Ver 2.0.400.
New Features
- Another Eden: The Cat Beyond its Territory added.
- Cat Catalog added.
- Another Eden: The Cat Beyond its Territory... A new character Philo is available.
- Encounters "Lone Encounter" and "10 Allies Bundle" will be updated.
Identified Issue
- "Rage" is not included in Bertrand's skill description for "Overbear."
The following issues will be fixed:
- Issue where the Symphony logo is displayed in Japanese under certain circumstances.
- In Other Tales, the title that appears when advancing to the next step of the quest is displayed in Japanese.
- There is an issue where the app crashes at Encounters if you update without restarting the app.
- From Ver 2.0.200 and up, after clearing the Symphony: Bound Wills and the Hollow Puppeteer,you will no longer be able to proceed if you press the "Move to the Spacetime Rift" button during parts of the story where you are unable to move between places on the map.
- Text and display issues.
- Other small bugs.