Heroes of Bygone Days and the Engraved Oath



Darunis and others talk to Aldo about strange things happening in the abandoned house in Baruoki.
What is waiting for Aldo and his friends in the house that has been locked away for so long...?

  • Part 25 of the Main Story must be cleared.
  • The app must be updated to ver 2.9.300 to play this story.

  • For a more detailed explanation of "Ensemble" please watch this broadcast.

    Unlock a New Class

  • *May's 5 star class will be unlocked if you update to version 2.9.300.
  • Upgrading May to her 5 star class requires items that are collected while completing Ensemble: Heroes of Bygone Days and the Engraved Oath.

  • New Encounters

    Update Information


  • Added Heroes of Bygone Days and the Engraved Oath.
  • Added new maps and areas
  • Added a new Another Dungeon
  • Encounters

    Campaign Information

    Identified Issue

    Fixed the following issues