[Important] Chronos Stone Price and Purchase Count Changes
As of October 6, 2022 (UTC), pricing for apps and in-app purchases handled by the App Store has changed (monthly-payment services are excepted).
As a result, the number of Chronos Stones in packs and their pricing has been updated across all platforms.
Please tap HERE for details.
Journey's End And Beginning
Clear this high-level content for Uquaji to join your party.
Aldo meets a traveler deep in thought
in the Spacetime Rift. They claim to be
having trouble understanding their companion Uquaji.

Starting Area: Spacetime Rift
- You must defeat Uquaji of a certain level.
- The app must be updated to version 2.13.700.
- There is no time limit to finish this event.
- After defeating Uquaji, you may fight Uquaji again after 24 hours have passed.
Available Character

New Encounters
Update Information
- Journey's End And Beginning added.
- Another Style Okaminokami... Yukino's Another Style is available.
- Fateful Encounter (Paid, 2 Times Max) is available.
- The "Ally Encounters" under Regular Encounters were updated.
The following will be updated
・Added new levels
・Made it possible to rematch Uquaji immediately after staying at an Inn.
- Dreams
・Starting in Ver. 2.13.700, the length of Encounters featuring new characters and/or new Styles will be adjusted.
Up to Ver. 2.13.500: Base 30 Days
On and after Ver. 2.13.700: Base 60 Days
※Fateful Encounters will remain at their original length of 30 days.
※Special Encounters, etc., may have different opening times. Please be sure to check each Encounter's specific information by tapping on Details.
Campaign Information
- Chronos Stone Sale Information
・A limited time 2200 Chronos Stone package
・A limited time 4500 Chronos Stone package
October 11, 2022 3:00 (UTC) – October 20, 2022 14:59 (UTC)
*Each can be purchased only once
New Cat Equipment
Ilulu Matching Set Added
*Meow Coins can be obtained in the Trials.
Identified Issue
- There are cases where the time duration for the 2,200 and 4,500 Chronos Stones' sales are displayed incorrectly.
Correct: –10/20(UTC) x1
*The issue can be fixed by updating to version 2.13.700. - Forced App Closure While Playing Apocrypha: The Road to Thunder
(Only when updating from iOS Ver. 2.13.100 or earlier)
*We have confirmed that the issue can be resolved by following the steps below.
Access the Support menu from the lower left of the title screen, then tap Reacquire Data. - After clearing Apocrypha: Fatum Argentauri, the Mysterious Vortex does not appear on the Antiquity page of the Another Dungeon map. ※The Mysterious Vortex is properly accessible through the Present page of the Another Dungeon map, and can be played without issue.
- There are cases where the display becomes distorted in some areas in the future Garulea Continent.
October 14, 2022 2:30 (UTC) Update
Fixed the following issues
- When filtering Grastas, "Shade" type and "Thunder" type cannot be selected.
- Text and display issues.
- Other small bugs.