Otherlands: Baruoki Region
Otherlands are...
...extremely difficult levels within the Another Dungeon section of the game.
- You must pass through many difficult levels, defeating single or multiple bosses on each floor.
- When bosses are defeated you will receive “Blocks”. Once you have collected all the “Blocks” you may pass through to the next level.
- 2 Green Keys will be used to access the Otherlands.
- There is no time limit to finish this event.
- *Part 1 of the Main Story must be cleared.
- *The app must be updated to Ver 1.3.500.

Otherlands can be accessed from the Another Dungeon section of the game.
New Encounters
New Character Intro
Update Information
- Otherlands: Baruoki Region will be added.
- New character Ewan and Erina will be added.
- An update to regular Ally Encounters.
The following functions will be added:
- "Nopaew Emporium" will be added to the Spacetime Rift.
- Upgrading Armor and Weapons will be added.
The following issues will be fixed:
- Text and display issues.
- Small bugs