[Important] Regarding the bug affecting Nona's Shadow increase rate

An issue was found where every time a new destination is added to the Mysterious Vortex Another Dungeon, Nona's Shadow increase rate decreases. See the detailed report for the latest information, including how this issue will be handled.

Please tap HERE for details.

Campaign Notice

Quests with active campaigns will now be marked with an icon on the quest list.

Wanderer in the Vortex
The Breaking Dawn



In this nameless city, a nameless man
rejects the thought of tomorrow. Time
will repeat, until he learns to hope.

Starting Location: Arat: Maze Village

New Encounters

Encounter Characters

Update Information

Wanderer in the Vortex: The End of History


The recurrent spacetime gems show
the truth of the past. How will Nona
and Aldo face these revelations?

Starting Location: Arat: Maze Village



Added stories to the Replay Story feature.

Go to the basement from the first floor of Time's Forgotten Stop and talk to the bard to check it out.

Gameplay Adjustments

New Cat Equipment

Identified Issues

Fixed Issues