August 2023 Developer Letter
The dev team is pleased to bring you more details on the latest update, as well as info on upcoming campaigns.We'll be posting one Developer Letter a month from now until the simultaneous release schedule with the Japan Version begins, so be sure to read them.
Please click HERE for the August letter.

New Encounters
Character Encounter
Update Information
- The app must be updated to version 3.1.700.
- Another Style Devotroid... Premaya's Another Style is available
- Fateful Encounter Another Style Devotroid is available (Paid, 3 times max)
- Fateful Encounter Earth Force Edition is available (Paid, 3 times max) *In the 10th Encounter, you will receive a 5★ character. Each of the 5 featured characters has an appearance rate of 10%.
- Fateful Encounter Main Story Special Edition is available (Paid, 3 times max) *You can encounter one of the 5★ class characters listed below on the tenth encounter.
- Re-encounter: Ally Encounter Minalca (Tetra) is available You can encounter Minalca, from Main Story Part 3, in her 5★ class Nemesis at an encounter rate of 1%.
- Encounter The Ways We Walked is available(3 times max) (until August 29, 2023 14:59 UTC) *Only characters whose character quests were added to the Replay Story feature in round 1 are encounterable as 5★ classes.
- The "Ally Encounters" under Regular Encounters were updated.
Featured Characters |
Premaya Another Style (Devotroid) |
"Beautiful Stranger" Shannon |
Violet Lancer |
Otoha Another Style (Nekogami) |
Daisy |
5★ characters available on 10th encounter |
Minalca |
Necoco Another Style (Fireside Cat) |
Garambarrel Another Style (Ymir) |
Heena Another Style (Jorurihime) |
Tsukiha Extra Style (Shinatsuhime) |
Kikyo Another Style (Transporter) |
Yukino Another Style (Okaminokami) |
Tsubame Another Style (Felis Circulus) |
*You can encounter one of the 5★ class characters listed below on the tenth encounter.
5★ characters available on 10th encounter |
Radias |
Yipha |
Felmina |
Bertrand |
Victor |
Laclair |
Anabel |
Elga |
Lokido |
Mariel |
- Added new weapons for the character classes below in Manifestation: Weapon Discovery.
・Ruina Another Style (Sky Sprite)
Added round 1 of character quests to the Replay Story feature

A new Bard is visiting the basement of Time's Forgotten Stop.
Talk to him to replay completed character quests.
Eligible Characters | ||||
Miyu | Felmina | Bertrand | Anabel | Soira |
Breeno | Nero | Radias | Bria | Lokido |
Mariel | Yipha | Elga | Benedict | Darunis |
Nomar | May | Victor | Denny | Laclair |
Miranda |

- Chapter 13 of the Main Story must be cleared
- Uncleared character quests will not be displayed.
- Additional updates to this feature are planned.
The following will be updated
Added Beginner difficulty to Main Story Part 3 Into The Hollow
Increased bearing drop rates for Standard, Veteran, Expert, and Master difficulties in Main Story Part 3 Into The Hollow
Adjusted text for certain skills for Ruina Another Style (Sky Sprite)
・Skill "Coup De Vent": "Consumes 1 Oltegear for an additional attack based on the number of Oltegears stacked" changed to "Consumes 1 Oltegear for an additional attack based on the number of Oltegears stacked and Strength increased (max 6/x2.5)"
*Only the wording was adjusted. The effect of these skills have not changed.
The Catch-up Campaign has begun!
As announced previously, the Another Eden Global Version is on its way to catching up to a simultaneous release schedule with the Japan Version.Updates will be coming faster now, so we're holding Catch-up Campaigns in order to help Global Version players play and progress more smoothly as we catch up to the Japan Version.
We have several different Catch-up Campaigns planned for you to look forward to!
August 15, 2023 3:00 (UTC) - Start of simultaneous release with the Japan Version
*The end date and time for the campaign will be announced together with the start date for the update that begins simultaneous release.
- Main Story Part 3 Progress Campaign
The drop amount of Bearings, an item needed to progress through Main Story Part 3 Volume 1, is increased x1.5 for all difficulties!
*This applies to all difficulties, Beginner included.
*This does not apply to areas that are not affected by Difficulty, including Another Dungeons.
- Grasta Awakening Campaign
The amount of Fragments, Crystals, and Git required to Activate and Awaken Grastas has been reduced by half!
*Only applies to Attack, Life, and Support Grastas.
*Does not apply to Jadeites of all types.
*To use Grastas, you must clear Chapter 48 of the Main Story.
- Main Story Supply Drop 1
Several Grastas and items to help you progress in story progress and in battles will be delivered to your Inbox during the campaign period.
*After logging in during the campaign period, please collect items within 90 days.
*Grasta effects shown are post-Activation and Awakening.
- Enemy Encounter- Badge x3
(*Lowers enemy encounter rate)
- Obtained Git+ Badge x3
(*Increases Git obtained by 15%)
- Grasta: Power of Pain
1 each for Staff, Sword, Katana, Ax, Lance, Bow, Fists, Hammer
(*When target is Pained, inflicted damage +30%)
- Grasta: HP Restore
1 each for Staff, Sword, Katana, Ax, Lance, Bow, Fists, Hammer
(*Increases HP Restore as a Reserve member)
- Grasta: Proficiency Debuff Resistance x6
(*PWR/INT/SPD Debuff Resistance +15% for party member that meets equip requirements)
- Grasta Piece
(Attack, Life, and Support types)
Fragments x3000
Crystals x300
Jadeites x3
- Enemy Encounter- Badge x3
・You can check info on currently running Catch-up Campaigns from the Campaign Information page.
Identified Issues
- There are cases where the time duration for the 2,200 and 4,500 Chronos Stones' sales are displayed incorrectly.
Correct: –8/24 (UTC) x1
*The issue can be fixed by updating to version 3.1.700.
- Unintended behavior during the battle mechanics of certain boss battles in Symphony: Crown of the Pale Dawn and Symphony: Crown of the Pale Dawn's Another Dungeon.
- When using certain skills with an additional effect while Lunatic is active, if Lunatic is dispelled during the turn, the additional effects may still activate.
Fixed Issues
- Text and display issues.
- Other small issues.
User Survey Request
Survey Duration
August 15, 2023 3:00 (UTC) – August 29, 2023 14:59 (UTC)Contents
With update frequency increasing and various campaigns being run, we would love to hear all our players' thoughts on current and future development and management. Please take the time to fill out our survey.As thanks for helping us improve Another Eden, we'll send every player who responds to the survey a 10-Encounter "Destiny Token."
Entry Form
Rewards are planned to be distributed in early September.
We are looking forward to your many opinions and advice for our service.