October 2023 Developer Letter
The dev team is pleased to bring you more details on the latest update, as well as info on upcoming campaigns.We'll be posting one Developer Letter a month from now until the simultaneous release schedule with the Japan Version begins, so be sure to read them.
Please click HERE for the October letter.

Part 3 Into The Hollow
The Chronos Empire Strikes Back Volume 2
The cursed sword Ogre Rancorem, said to bring calamity upon the world,
was drawn by a young man named Aldo,
who, along with his friends, has traveled on adventures across space and time.
On a day like any other, the Riftbreaker, Synth Hydra,
was attacked by a huge vessel of the Chronos Empire,
and forced into the uncharted Hollow Time Layer.
Aldo reunited with a familiar face, Ashtear, in a world of Meks,
and though pursued by the Empire, reached the Tree of Time,
there to solve one mystery of this twisted time layer.
However, the Emperor, Chronos, appeared before him.
By his side were the Emperor's chief scientist,
Sebastia, and Kamlanage.
The Hollow Time Layer draws the party ever deeper...

Starting Location: Tree of Time
- Main story chapter 92 (Part 3 Volume 1) must be cleared.
- The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
Available Character

New Encounters
Character Encounter
Update Information
- The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
Original Story
- Added Part 3 Into The Hollow: The Chronos Empire Strikes Back Volume 2
- Added new maps and areas
- Added new background music
New Systems
Nullgear "Guilty Hades"
- Explore the field in the giant Nullgear, Guilty Hades.
- Guilty Hades is made up of four Frames: the Head, Left and Right Arms, and Torso Core. Control them to battle giant Megalomorphs!
- Guilty Hades can be powered up with materials earned from Megalomorphs and exploration.
New Content
Treasure Hunter
- Explore the perilous environs of Part 3 Volume 2 and find the valuable treasure slumbering across the world!
Monster Clash Arena
- Record data from the monsters you face in Part 3 Volume 2, and use it to battle rivals in this minigame.
- Use powerful Skills to outsmart your opponents and seize victory.
- Defeat rivals in various regions to learn new Monster Clash Arena skills.
Extermination Jobs
- A certain tavern in the Miu World hosts requests to destroy monsters threatening the Miu's way of life.
- Defeat monsters and report back for rewards.
Difficulty Settings
- Adjust difficulty from Beginner to Master.
- Adjust the difficulty at any time under Quest -> In Progress -> Main Story.
Higher difficulties will bring stronger monsters, but also higher experience gains and drop chance for certain items.
※Some enemies, including mecha battles, have fixed difficulty ratings.
Monster Nests
- Monsters will continually spawn here.
- Take advantage of this to quickly collect items, EXP, and kill count.
Ally Encounter Velette (Gunce)... New Character Velette and New Sidekick Gunce are available.
Fateful Encounter Velette (Gunce) (Paid, 3 times max) is available
*On the 10th encounter, Velette has a 15% chance of appearing.
- Star Dream Encounter is available (Paid, 1 Time Only)
In the Star Dream Encounter, after the 10th ally Encounter, you will receive a Star Dreams Piece that can encounter a 5-star class character.
Only characters released as of the version 3.2.100 update on September 6, 2023 are encounterable in the Star Dream Encounter and Star Dreams Piece Encounter. Characters added in later updates will be unavailable.
*Previously obtained Star Dreams Pieces cannot be used in the version 3.2.400 Star Dreams Piece Encounter.
*The expiration date of the Star Dreams Piece is 30 days from the time of initiating the Star Dream Encounter.
- Fateful Encounter War Stories (Paid, 3 times max) is available
*You can encounter one of the 5★ class characters listed below on the tenth encounter.5★ characters available on 10th encounterVelette Parisa Another Style (Polyhymniā) "Dream Weaver" Dunarith Melody Another Style (Medea) Felmina Extra Style (Erinys) Elseal "Crimson Reaper" Ilulu Premaya Another Style (Devotroid) Pizzica Another Style (Erato) Sesta Toova Extra Style (Ereshkigal) -
Fateful Encounter The Ways We Walked Round 4 is available (Paid, 2 times max)
On the 9th and 10th Encounters, you can encounter one of the below 5★ class allies.
5★ characters available on 9th and 10th encounterParisa Another Style (Polyhymniā) "Crimson Reaper" Ilulu Toova Toova Another Style (Cursed Bride) Toova Extra Style (Ereshkigal) Daisy Zeviro Zeviro Another Style (Soul Keeper) Tiramisu Tiramisu Another Style (Draco Nodus) Dunarith Dunarith Another Style (Seele Gnade) Ewella Radica Radica Another Style (Fortuna) Ilulu Ilulu Another Style (Libitina) Veina Veina Another Style (Titania) Myrus Myrus Another Style (Cybele) - The "Ally Encounters" under Regular Encounters were updated.
Main Story Part 3 Volume 2 Release Campaign
Clear the first chapter of Main Story Part 3 Volume 2 (Chapter 93) within the campaign period to earn the Campaign version of the achievement, and a Part 3 Guiding Drop will be sent to your Inbox.
- Part 3 Guiding Drop
You will encounter a 5★ class ally released as of August 15, 2023's Ver. 3.1.700 update that uses a Staff, Katana, Bow, or Ax.
From the Ver 3.2.400 update to December 31, 2023 14:59 (UTC)
*The Part 3 Guiding Drop also expires on December 31, 2023 14:59 (UTC).
Added Round 4 of character quests to the Replay Story feature
You can replay the character quests below in the Ver 3.2.400 update.
Eligible Characters | ||||
Ilulu | Radica | Toova | Parisa | Cyrus |
Veina | Ewella | Myrus | Dunarith | Zeviro |
Daisy | "Crimson Reaper" Ilulu | Cyuca | Myron | Yio |
Tiramisu |
*We are planning to add more stories to the Replay Story feature in the future.
The Catch-up Campaign has begun!
Another Eden's Global Version is on its way to catching up to simultaneous release with the Japan Version.Updates will be coming faster now, so we're holding Catch-up Campaigns in order to help Global Version players play and progress more smoothly as we catch up to the Japan Version.
We have several different Catch-up Campaigns planned for you to look forward to!
・The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
・You can check info on currently running Catch-Up Campaigns from the Campaign Information page.
Identified Issues
- There are cases where the time duration for the 2,200 and 4,500 Chronos Stones' sales are displayed incorrectly.
Correct: –10/24(UTC)
*The issue can be fixed by updating to version 3.2.400.
- When Kamlanage gains Lunatic (Charge) from Thunder God, the icon will persist even after the 1 turn the effect lasts.
*This is only the display. We've confirmed that the effects of the skill are not affected.
- In Guilty Hades battles, when Guilty Hades is affected by a Status and takes damage, it is not displayed correctly.
*This is only the display. We've confirmed that the effects of the skill are not affected.
Fixed Issues
- When using certain skills with an additional effect while Lunatic is active, if Lunatic is dispelled during the turn, the additional effects may still activate.
- Text and display issues.
- Other small issues.