October 2023 Developer Letter
The dev team is pleased to bring you more details on the latest update, as well as info on upcoming campaigns.We'll be posting one Developer Letter a month from now until the simultaneous release schedule with the Japan Version begins, so be sure to read them.
Please click HERE for the October letter.

New Encounters
Character Encounter
Update Information
- The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
Encounter Across Time Layers "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa... a new Parallel Time Layer Ally is available
Fateful Encounter "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa (Paid, 3 times max) is available
- Fateful Encounter Parallel Time Layer Ally Earth Edition (Paid, 3 times max) is available
*In the 10th Encounter, you will receive a 5★ character. Each of the 3 featured characters has an appearance rate of 10%.Featured Characters"Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa "Beautiful Stranger" Shannon Violet Lancer -
Fateful Encounter Chance Meeting Edition (Paid, 2 times max) is available
*In the 10th Encounter, you will receive a 5★ character. Each of the 4 featured characters has an appearance rate of 9%.Featured CharactersVelette "Crimson Reaper" Ilulu Yakumo Minalca - The "Ally Encounters" under Regular Encounters were updated.
Parallel Time Layer Ally "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa
- Added "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa's character quests.
You can play "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa's first quest even if you have not encountered her.
*The following quest requires you to have encountered "Porcelain Pixie" Myunfa.

Starting Area: Serena Coast
- Chapter 13 of the Main Story must be cleared
- The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
Added character quests to the Replay Story feature
You can replay the character quests below.
*Uncleared character quests will not be displayed.
*We are planning to add more stories to the Replay Story feature in the future.
The Catch-up Campaign has begun!
Another Eden's Global Version is on its way to catching up to simultaneous release with the Japan Version.Updates will be coming faster now, so we're holding Catch-up Campaigns in order to help Global Version players play and progress more smoothly as we catch up to the Japan Version.
We have several different Catch-up Campaigns planned for you to look forward to!
・The app must be updated to version 3.2.400.
・You can check info on currently running Catch-Up Campaigns from the Campaign Information page.
Identified Issues
- There are cases where the time duration for the 2,200 and 4,500 Chronos Stones' sales are displayed incorrectly.
Correct: –11/6 (UTC) x1
*The issue can be fixed by updating to version 3.2.400.
- When Kamlanage gains Lunatic (Charge) from Thunder God, the icon will persist even after the 1 turn the effect lasts.
*This is only the display. We've confirmed that the effects of the skill are not affected.
- In Guilty Hades battles, when Guilty Hades is affected by a Status and takes damage, it is not displayed correctly.
*This is only the display. We've confirmed that the effects of the skill are not affected.
Fixed Issues
- Text and display issues.
- Other small issues.