December 2023 Developer Letter
The dev team is pleased to bring you more details on the latest update, as well as info on upcoming campaigns.We'll be posting one Developer Letter a month from now until the simultaneous release schedule with the Japan Version begins, so be sure to read them.
Please click HERE for the December letter.

New Encounters
Character Encounter
Update Information
- The app must be updated to version 3.3.110.
Ally Encounter Wenefica... New Ally "Wenefica" is available.
*Wenefica is eligible for a Pick-Up Bonus! Encounter Wenefica in her 5★ class and she will be automatically Stellar Awakened.
*If you encounter Wenefica in her 5★ class when she is already Stellar Awakened, you will receive a bonus +10 Light/Shadow points.
Fateful Encounter Wenefica is available. (Paid, 3 times max)
*Wenefica is eligible for a Pick-Up Bonus! Encounter Wenefica in her 5★ class and she will be automatically Stellar Awakened.
*If you encounter Wenefica in her 5★ class when she is already Stellar Awakened, you will receive a bonus +10 Light/Shadow points.
- Star Dream Encounter is available (Paid, 1 time only)
In the Star Dream Encounter, after the 10th ally Encounter, you will receive a Star Dreams Piece that can encounter a 5-star class character.
Only characters released as of the version 3.3.110 update on December 19, 2023 are encounterable in the Star Dream Encounter and Star Dreams Piece Encounter. Characters added later than December 19, even in the same version, will be unavailable.
*Previously obtained Star Dreams Pieces cannot be used in the version 3.3.110 Star Dreams Piece Encounter.
*The expiration date of the Star Dreams Piece is 30 days from the time of initiating the Star Dream Encounter.
- The "Ally Encounters" under Regular Encounters were updated.
The Catch-up Campaign has begun!
Another Eden's Global Version is on its way to catching up to simultaneous release with the Japan Version.Updates will be coming faster now, so we're holding Catch-up Campaigns in order to help Global Version players play and progress more smoothly as we catch up to the Japan Version.
・The app must be updated to version 3.3.110.
・You can check info on currently running Catch-Up Campaigns from the Campaign Information page.
Identified Issues
- There are cases where the time duration for the 2,200 and 4,500 Chronos Stones' sales are displayed incorrectly.
Correct: –1/8(UTC)
*The issue can be fixed by updating to version 3.3.110.
- The Link status effect may not activate properly off of certain skills that involve attacks at turn-end.
- When using Tithi's Call skill during Stellar Burst, certain effects that differ based on turn count may not activate with the correct turn count.
- The following characters can access their 3rd character quest at 4★, if all conditions aside from reaching 5★ status are met
Fixed Issues
- Cerius's turn-start ability may not properly grant him Barrier Pierce even with 3+ Blast Bolt stacks.
- Text and display issues.
- Other small issues.
[Important] Caution when purchasing Chronos Stones around new years
We would like to inform you of cautions to be taken when purchasing Chronos Stones during the new year holiday.
Late at night around December 31, 2023 and January 1, 2024,
there are times when purchases cannot be completed as normal due to signal or store congestion,
or it might take time for the purchase to be reflected in the game.
In that case, if you repeat the purchase, you may end up with duplicate purchases.
Should that happen, please take a moment to restart the app and check if the Chronos Stone purchase is reflected in the game.
You can check your Chronos Stones usage history by following the steps below.
▼Chronos Stone User History Confirmation
Menu -> Other -> Usage History
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of Chronos Stones during the new years holiday,
record the details and do the following to submit an inquiry via the inquiry form.
Menu -> Other -> Inquiries
*Depending on the contents of the inquiry, responses might not be given until January 4, 2024 or later. We ask for your understanding.