We have discovered an issue causing instability in the application when run on 32-bit Android devices. With an upcoming version update, we will be updating our list of supported operating environments.
After the above change and for versions released after it, you will no longer be able to play Another Eden on 32-bit Android Devices.
We sincerely apologize for the trouble, but we ask all players currently using 32-bit Android devices to perform and/or confirm account linkage and to prepare a Transfer ID as soon as possible, in order to continue playing on a different device.
In order to start the transfer process, tap Menu and then select Other. Proceed to Data Transfer Settings where you can select "Activate ID Transfer," "Connect Google account," "Sign in with Apple," or "Connect Facebook."
*Specific timing will be given in a future notice.
*In general, Android devices sold in 2018 and earlier use 32-bit operating systems (with some exceptions).
*We will be unable to answer questions regarding whether your device falls within this range or not. Please contact your device maker's support or a service center to confirm.

New Encounters
Encounter Characters
Update Information
- The app must be updated to version 3.8.15.
Original Story
- Added a new Another Dungeon
- Added new events to Planie Island
Astral Archive
- Added 1 Allies' Book "Book of The Renewed"
The following Encounters will open.
[Fateful Encounter] Encounter Across Time Layers "Undercover Scribe" Renri | |
You can encounter the following 5★ class character at a 10% encounter rate on the tenth encounter.
Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters *Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points. |
Paid only
3 times max Until July 28, 2024 14:59 (UTC) |
Encounter Across Time Layers "Undercover Scribe" Renri | |
Chronos Stones (Free) can be used.
Pick-Up Bonus Eligible 5★ Class Characters *Encounter the Pick-Up Bonus character(s) in their corresponding 5★ class and Style and they will be automatically Stellar Awakened. Once Stellar Awakened, if you Encounter them they will receive an extra +10 Light/Shadow Points. |
Until August 4, 2024 14:59 (UTC) |
Parallel Time Layer Ally "Undercover Scribe" Renri
Character Quests added
Even if you haven't Encountered the relevant character, you can still play their first Character Quest.
*The following quests require you to have Encountered the character.

Starting Area: Elzion Theta District
- Chapter 19 of the Main Story must be cleared
Added new content to the Replay Story feature.
Character Quest
・Minalca Another Style (Eris)
*We are planning to add more stories to the Replay Story feature in the future.
Identified Issues
Updated July 17, 2024 5:10 (UTC)
- When Oboro is restored from the Stone Status Effect, he may not enter Raijin Mode even if the conditions to do so are fulfilled
In Another Dungeon Jasmond, when you have obtained multiple items eligible for bulk trade, items that should be selectable for trade may not be selectable.
*We have confirmed this will not occur if you trade all items eligible for bulk trade at once.
Updated July 11, 2024 11:25 (UTC)
*The issue has been fixed with an update.
Updated July 12, 2024 5:30 (UTC)
*With the above update, new cases of this issue will no longer affect players. We are currently assisting players who were affected by this issue before the update. -
In the Tourney of Enlightenment, when asking the Tourney Guide information about the next opponent immediately after winning, a different match opponent's information will be displayed.
*We have confirmed that the correct information will be displayed after changing areas.
Updated July 11, 2024 11:25 (UTC)
*The issue has been fixed with an update. -
In battle against the boss that appears on Planie Island, the application may forcibly close upon winning the fight.
Updated July 11, 2024 11:25 (UTC)
*The issue has been fixed with an update. -
Certain status effects cannot be applied against the boss that appears on Planie Island.
Updated July 11, 2024 11:25 (UTC)
*The issue has been fixed with an update. -
There are cases where the duration for the time limited Chronos Stones sale is displayed incorrectly
Correct: –7/11(UTC) x1
*The issue can be fixed by updating to the latest game version. - When using Aldo's Stellar Skill "Starwyrm Slash" in Stellar Burst, when the effect "Type changes to target's Weak Point" activates, the Strength is lower than intended.
- When Ewan ends a battle in Vital Flame mode, the effects of Vital Flame may display in certain events
When the below characters' Skills apply the Barrier Pierce effect, 1 use of the buff is consumed immediately
・Oboro: Skill "Rising Beat"
・Sazanca: Skill "Intensive Research" - The effects of Normal Attack Enhance abilities do not properly affect certain Normal Attack variation Skills
When Felmina Extra Style (Erinys) uses a Skill that would apply Iceburst to enemies and the Skill misses, Iceburst is still applied.
*We have confirmed that all skills aside from the normal attack variation "Shatterglass" have been corrected
Updated July 10, 2024 9:45 (UTC)
Updated July 10, 2024 9:45 (UTC)
Updated July 10, 2024 4:20 (UTC)
Updated July 10, 2024 4:20 (UTC)
Fixed the following issues
When engaging in continuous battles with enemies of a certain formation, under specific circumstances, no items are obtained when the battle is won.
*We have confirmed that either restarting the application, or winning a battle with enemies in a different formation, will resolve the issue. - In Main Story Part 3 Volume 3, after purchasing from the Regina shop, moving to another area may make it impossible to progress.
- After clearing Main Story Chapter 106, a new World Map is added to the Another Dungeon selection screen
- When an attack occurs from the Link status granted by Mazrika's Skills, it may consume stacks of Weapon Break or Elemental Break that should not be consumed.
- If using a party with both Minalca Another Style (Eris) and Ewan, if both characters use their Stellar Skills during Stellar Burst, it may become impossible to progress.
- Text and display issues.
- Other small bugs