Ogre Wars
Dirge of the Fated King and the Sacred Sword



It was roughly three thousand years ago.
There was a decisive battle between the brutal Ogre Clan and the armies commanded by the Thunder King.
The Ogre Clan was shattered and thought to have been eradicated from this world...
This came to be known as the Ogre Wars.
At the end of the battle, the Thunder King’s legendary sword Palsifal of ancient lore was cursed by the hatred and burning rage of the Ogre Clan...transforming the ancient sword into the cursed Ogre Rancorem.

But now a new battle is about to ignite before Aldo, the one who was selected by Ogre Rancorem to bring calamity upon the world.
What fate shall come of Altena and the lost Beast King?
Where is the future in which Aldo was dragged into the vortex of time’s memory?
The time to reveal the truth of the cursed sword has come.


Episode Characters

New Encounters

New Character Intro

Update Information

Original Story


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